Dear Will,
I have just completed Session 28 of your piano course! You have opened my eyes and ears to piano vistas I could not have imagined.
I am 70 years old. I took piano lessons as a child but stopped playing when I went to college. My fingers itched to play, but I had not touched a piano in over 50 years. What to do???
Then I discovered you. And chords, and progressions. What a window on the world of piano music you provide! Classical music has always given me pleasure, but with you, I heard and appreciated for the first time the great styles of popular music: Blues, Ragtime, Stride, Country, Boogie Woogie...
All aspects of the course were professional and first rate. The curriculum design was brilliant! The way you introduced a topic, and led me to perfect a skill was terrific.
Wow! With the base you have provided, I have a lifetime of enjoyment ahead of me (my mother was still alive at 101).
Thank you again. You have immeasurably enhanced my life. Keep playing and teaching!
Sincerely yours,
Jack Laschenski
I love those last two paragraphs. Congratulations to all who worked so hard on this course. You have made a difference in one man's life, and many others. And congratulations to you, Mr. Laschenski. May you enjoy many more years of making great music!
WHOOO HOOO!!!! Did you initiate a Tony Robbins-esk, dance music assisted, arm pumping celebration??!??!
Nice work dude.
Who needs dance music? HOO YEAH!!!
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